Over the next six months, our family will be transitioning into a new ministry. This move is bittersweet, but as my grandma would say, "put your memories in your pocket and keep moving". We are confident in God's leading and excited for what is in store.
When we had Stella placed in our home, nearly everything changed. I changed. David changed. Our daily routine changed. Our ministry changed. It was beautiful. There was diversity in our home and it made us...better, stronger. We learned quickly how easy it was to love someone as our own, understanding all the while that we had no blood connection. The connection was much greater than blood. We knew that adoption was the way that God would build our family. What a glorious way to build a family! Six months ago, David and I set out on a journey to adopt again, but in a week's time were turned down by three adoption agencies for various reasons. We didn't have enough money. Stella wasn't old enough yet. We weren't the right "fit". I felt defeated. In the discouragement, with the help of a friend, I began to understand that for that big of a NO, God must have a plan. He sure did.
Through the Teen Camp program at Prairie Camp I made a close partnership...no...friendship with a couple who was doing urban ministry in a neighborhood in South Bend. We were able to scholarship many of their teens to experience camp in 2010. During several meetings, they spoke of what they were doing, things like: hosting a homework club for elementary children, providing a safe home for children and teens in time of trial, preparing dinner for those who had no food, and holding a once a week small group for teens. I was captivated at what was taking place. Kory and Ali Lantz were(and are) doing incredible ministry from their house.
In mid December, Kory and Ali invited us to their home to learn more about what was happening in Keller Park. They took us on a tour of the neighborhood and gave us a glimpse of what God was doing. At the end of our time together, they gently asked if we would be willing to come, move into the neighborhood, and partner with them in ministry. The ride home was quiet. Our hearts were heavy.
In the weeks that followed, God made it quite clear. He was calling us to be missionaries to the city. We needed to sell the majority of our belongings and move to South Bend. The decision was followed by countless questions. Would we be able to raise enough support? What if we couldn't raise enough to live on? What if we can't do what is required of us? We don't know anything about this way of life. Camp is safe, the city is not. What about Stella? What about Stella?
Then it hit me. This was God's bigger plan all along. Our call to care for children in need would take on new form. God had said "no" to the adoption of one to say "yes" to the care of many. He has said "yes" to feeding, loving, and making our home available to the neighborhood of Keller Park. What we learned from Stella about unconditional love for others would now be played out in every area of our lives. As for Stella, her adoption was not about taking her out of the city, it was about giving her a family, a forever family. Our family does not change based on the house we live in or the city listed on our license. This move was a new way to show Stella what it means to follow God, no matter how scary it is.
There are a lot of things I don't know. I don't know how to raise support. I don't know how to work with urban families. I don't know how to live in the city. What do I know? That God has called and we are going to follow. So, I suppose I can finish each of those sentences with "yet". I don't know how to raise support yet. I don't know how to work with urban families yet. I don't know how to live in the city yet. We're walking in faith, learning along the way. When God calls, He provides.
On Friday, February 11, at 10:00am we closed on a house in the Keller Park neighborhood. We'll be working on the house and moving in August. We are staying at camp for the 2011 camp season to give time for the camp to hire and train a replacement.
We're excited for what is to come. We'd love for you to come on this journey with us. I'll be posting more about that later, about how you can partner with us.
For more information about the Transformation that is taking place in the Keller Park neighborhood, check out Kory and Ali's blog.